Helping our donors realise their visions

Our donors have a vision for what their philanthropy can do. Our donor-advised funds make it all possible.

NPT UK is proud to offer one of the most flexible donor-advised funds, with an enterprising, collaborative-minded staff dedicated to problem-solving and finding the best possible solutions for our donors. Our philanthropic expertise helps donors find tax-efficient strategies even in the most complex giving circumstances, in order to maximise charitable impact. NPT UK does what other DAFs can’t.

Donor Story

Making Regular Giving Convenient
and Tax Effective

Donor Challenge

A donor was frustrated with filling out multiple Gift Aid forms, keeping track of multiple gift receipts from various charities for tax purposes, and of being approached by charities for additional donations.

Our Solution

The donor opened a donor-advised fund account to manage all of her charitable giving.  The donor values discretion and also often opts to be anonymous when making grants to charities.

Donor Story

Donating Shares

Donor Challenge

A donor received shares as part of his company’s IPO. The donor wanted to use some of these shares for charitable giving over time, but was not yet ready to decide which charities to support.

Our Solution

NPT UK accepted the shares, sold them and used the proceeds to establish a donor-advised fund. The donor received tax credit for the donation (and avoided capital gains tax) when he contributed the shares to his DAF account. He can now decide in his own time which charities to support.

Donor Story

Creating A Giving Legacy

Donor Challenge

A family was reviewing their estate planning and wanted to benefit from the inheritance tax incentives for charitable giving.  However, the family matriarch was not sure which charities to support and, more importantly, she would like her children to be involved in her legacy giving after she is gone.

Our Solution

The donor established a donor-advised fund and named the DAF as the charitable beneficiary of a bequest/legacy in her will.  The legacy gift will qualify as a charitable donation for IHT purposes. The donor was able to name her children as ‘Successor Advisors’ on the DAF account, thereby ensuring they will work together to carry on their family’s charitable giving after her death and long into the future.