How to Help Your Clients Give During Disasters

“How can I help?” and “What can I do?” are the instinctive questions asked when disaster strikes.
From the desperate ongoing situation in Ukraine, to the Afghan refugee crisis where tens of thousands of Afghan nationals remain displaced, the feeling of helplessness can be overwhelming.
But there are many ways that people can make a difference.
If your clients would like to donate money or their time, here are a few tips to keep in mind to help ensure their giving makes the most impact.
Supporting immediate short-term efforts
Understandably, most donations focus on the immediate response to a disaster when attention is at its highest, but be sure to give proactively, not reactively. In short-term giving, you still need to do your research into which charities will have the most impact or is best suited to your objectives. It is also worth looking into charities with a history of helping in disasters and /or in the region where the disaster struck.
Supporting long-term relief
While there is always an immediate need for help, the impact of a crisis is usually felt long-term. In the aftermath of a disaster, the situation can develop rapidly, and many factors can change in the weeks or months that follow. It often takes time for the full scope of relief to emerge from the disaster. So, once you have made an initial donation, keep an eye on the developing situation to see which organisations on the ground are best placed to help with the long-term rebuilding efforts.
Make it part of your legacy
If your charitable giving is usually focussed on a particular cause, you can continue to support organisations working in that sector by setting aside an amount of your annual giving for immediate disaster relief. For example, if your philanthropy supports health-related causes, you could consider giving to hospitals or other health care organisations working to contain the outbreak of disease or infection in the height of a crisis. Or if you are focused on education, you might support the redevelopment of schools damaged by a natural disaster.
With a DAF at NPT UK, your clients can recommend grants to charities almost anywhere in the world.
For more information, please contact us.
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