Grant Highlights: Inspiring Change

At NPT UK we endeavour to help our donors not only create change but to inspire through their philanthropy.
Here are three examples of how grants from our DAF donors ensure that their charitable ambitions are fulfilled:
Fighting Climate Change
Fighting the effects of climate change requires collective action and international cooperation, where the public and private sectors work together to share data, knowledge, and new innovations and establish effective policies. NPT UK facilitated a grant of £40,000 towards this goal. The grant will help encourage information exchange and coordinate an NGO strategy on international, regional, and national climate issues.
Educating Through Nature
In an increasingly urbanized and industrialized world, maintaining an understanding of our wider environmental and rural surroundings is increasingly important. Inspiring children through nature and farming not only helps to nurture children’s understanding of the environment but also cultivates important life skills and ensures a sense of wonder towards the natural world. A grant of £50,000 was made to help empower children to be confident and curious about the great outdoors, providing them access to opportunities so they can thrive.
Supporting People in Desperate Need
Poverty, hunger, and disease are just some of the challenges that disproportionately affect many communities in Africa. A recent grant of £60,000 was made to aid charitable projects relating to education, health, clean water, and economic development to help transform the lives of some of the poorest people on the continent. By offering support to those in need, the grant will support work that aims to break the cycle of poverty and create long-term economic empowerment; this is not only a moral imperative but also a strategic investment in human capital and sustainable development.
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