Grant Highlights: Supporting Women’s Rights and Empowerment

By using a donor-advised fund (DAF) to manage giving, donors can support a range of causes worldwide and make a lasting impact on people’s lives. Many philanthropists are motivated to give because of a personal interest or connection to a cause.
Here are three examples of how grants from our DAF donors are supporting the empowerment of women and women’s rights in the UK and around the world.
Helping women affected by domestic violence
One in four women in England and Wales will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime. A £5,000 grant funded a ‘safe bus’ positioned in the city centre of Leeds for women and girls to come to, or be referred to, if they feel concerned, unsafe, unwell or vulnerable. The charity offers services to women and children including safe houses, refuges, community and telephone support. It also offers tailored assistance for children and young people.
Supporting equal rights for women and girls
A $29,000 grant was made to an international charity supporting women’s rights organisations across the globe. The charity works in solidarity with women’s movements to secure equal rights and bring about lasting change in women’s lives. Their strategy focuses on advancing women’s economic rights, influencing policies and laws that tackle discrimination and protect women, and supporting women’s to exercise political power.
Empowering women through employment and skills
A $25,000 grant funded a project that gives women in Palestine the opportunity to develop their skills in hand embroidery, machine sewing and fashion design. The project’s long-term aim is to support women to earn a living and be financially independent. The organisation delivers programmes to empower and economically equip women across the Arab world to build their skills and contribute to a better society. Their programme includes mentoring schemes that match experienced business and professional women with younger women (aged 18-25).
For more details about how NPT UK can help donors fulfil their philanthropic purpose, please contact us.
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