NPT UK DAF Grant Highlights: How Our DAF Donors Are Making a Difference

Our mission to make philanthropy more convenient and efficient for donors is at the heart of NPT UK’s work. NPT UK DAF donors continue to support a wide range of charitable causes around the world. Here are three examples of how grants from DAF donors are making a difference:
Preserving history for local communities
A $10,000 grant was made to restore a local park’s museum in West London. The museum collection provides insights into the heritage and culture of the local area. The museum is also a place for members of the community to connect.
Supporting underprivileged children in the arts
Many underprivileged children have very little access to the arts and theatre. A £150,000 grant helped support a New York-based charity to target the city’s highest need schools with disproportionately less access to other schools in the system. The charity’s programmes provide students the opportunity to gain confidence, pride and access to theatrical training.
Helping relief efforts for people in need
Donors continue to support relief efforts to people in need around the world. A $63,000 grant was made to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency in the Near East (UNRWA) to provide food assistance to Gaza. A $100,000 grant was made to the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to support their much needed efforts in Afghanistan.
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